Category: Insurance
Trends in Private Insurance: Will Current Trends Address or Exacerbate Asthma Disparities? The Answer Is Given by Canadian Health&Care Mall
The majority of current trends in private insurance, Medicaid/SCHIP, and the safety net are likely to further exacerbate existing health disparities in asthma rather than help to reduce these disparities (Table 3). As shown in Figures 4 and 5, while losses in ESI coverage among all children who are < 400% of the FPL were offset by gains in Medicaid coverage, losses in ESI coverage for all racial/ethnic groups (except for Hispanics) were not offset by attendant increases in public coverage. This is an important concern, given the relationship between health insurance and access to care.
When low-wage workers do access coverage through their employers, the current trend toward shifting a greater portion of costs onto employees raises questions about the adequacy of coverage [...]