What to Expect

Many people expertise much troubles before their first massage therapy attendance. It is essential tobe anxious of the unknown. I will attempt to share the view what to expect at your first attendance to In The Moment Massage Therapy.

  1. Attempt not to eat a great meal before your massage, because your body will be striving it’s energy to phys digestion and you may become frost-burned or unconvenient.
  2. Put on or take comfortable clothing for after the massage. You may have a little obsolete cream from the massage that you don’t desire to have to be anxious about getting on your dress clothes.wait room
  3. In The Moment Waiting Room When you phone to arrange your attendance, please allow us to know of any states for which you are under medical care. There are not many states that are a counterindication for massage, but there are some of them.
  4. When you come in at our office, you will be required to enrol a Client Information Form. If you would like, you can enrol it online and then send it, but please still phone for an attendance. We’ll keep it on file until you come in for your first attendance. It requires for information about your job, hobbies, medical history and your expectations you have for your massage session. This information will assist us to customize your session.
    Client Information FormClick Here to enrol a Client Information Form
  5. We will next speak a bit about what kind of conception of massage you will be admiting and what we can be hopeful to reach.treat rms
  6. In The Moment Therapy Rooms In the treatment room, the lighting is dull in a matter to let you relax. Specially chosen stress-relieving music is switched on, but always feel free to take your own music or require to have to the music altered if it does not fit you.
  7. Your therapist will leave the room to make it ready for your massage, and you will be informed to remove your clothing and get on the massage table under the sheet and sheet towel. Your conception will be defeated at all times. As your therapist works, they will uncover the body parts to be massaged, never working any private spheres or genitals. If you feel more comfortable leaving your panties or underwear on, we are capable to perform the posterior hip over the sheets.
  8. In a full body massage, the scalp, face, neck and shoulders will be massaged. The therapist may massage just under the collarbone at the Pectoralis muscle. The arms and the hands will be massaged. Massaging the abdominal muscles is a wonderful aid to digestion. This is done while draping the breast area for women. The front of the legs, feet, back of the legs, posterior hip (gluteals) and back will be massaged. At the end of your massage, relaxing with a hot towel on your back is a soothing finishing touch.
  9. For those not receiving a full body massage, the targeted areas of tension or soreness will be massaged, working the individual muscles specifically.
  10. The pressure of the massage is specifically tailored to your body. We never massage so deeply that you feel the need to hold your breath or tense your body. We will ask you for feedback about the pressure several times during the massage. Please be honest!
  11. After the massage, the therapist will leave the treatment room while you get dressed. We will then discuss your experience, what you may expect during the next day or so and if a plan of specifically scheduled massages is indicated.
  12. You will be reminded to drink LOTS of water during the next 24 hours, because massage moves some of the muscle metabolic by-products into circulation faster than usual, and the water will help to flush your system.
  13. If you have any questions, comments or feedback at anytime during your visit, your are encouraged to discuss them with your therapist.
  14. With communication and feedback, your massage therapy visit will be a positive, pleasant experience.
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